HR Consulting Rebranded Corporate Website

Creating a Corporate Website With Simple Navigation

One of the cornerstones of Buck’s new brand identity was the launch of the new corporate website. We gave it a new look and feel consistent with the capabilities brochure, and designed the architecture of the site to make it easy to navigate. Information about their services, events, and the company are at the public’s fingertips. The new website also reflects Buck’s commitment to thought leadership by making a wealth of relevant, topical publications and information available to the public.

Buck Consultants Rebranded Website
Buck Consultants Rebranded Website

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her CMO position at Buck Consultants. Images and case study Copyright © by Buck Consultants, LLC. Used with permission. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

New Brand Identity for a HR Consulting Firm

HR Consulting Firm Global Magazine

HR Consulting Rebranding Marketing Collateral

Buck Consultants Main Capabilities Brochure

HR Consulting Firm General Capabilities Brochure