HR Consulting Firm General Capabilities Brochure

HR Consulting Firm General Capabilities Brochure

HR Consulting Firm General Capabilities Brochure

Award-Winning General Capabilities Brochure

Buck’s new image was launched in August 2005 with their Capabilities Brochure, which projects their passion for consulting and continued commitment to excellence. The brochure was received with great acclaim, as the 2005 MarCom Creative Awards Platinum Winner, honoring Excellence in Marketing and Communication.

Buck Consultants Rebranded Website

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her CMO position at Buck Consultants. Images and case study Copyright © by Buck Consultants, LLC. Used with permission. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

New Brand Identity for a HR Consulting Firm

HR Consulting Firm Global Magazine

HR Consulting Rebranding Marketing Collateral

Buck Consultants Website

HR Consulting Firm Rebranded Corporate Website