Buck Consultants Silicon Valley Conference

Buck Consultants Silicon Valley Conference

Buck Consultant’s Silicon Valley Conference

Dynamic Conference Experience

The Silicon Valley Conference, in its 7th year, was one of Buck’s largest annual events. In 2006, the conference was met with great anticipation following the introduction of the conference theme and identity. The “Future of Human Resources – Striking a New Balance” was spun into a lively series of animated invitations, printed brochures, conference materials and presentations that made a big impact with attendees. The strong agenda and speaker series drew more than 200 top HR decision makers, dazzling them with ways to find balance between employer and employee demands.

The agenda’s diverse sessions featured speakers from Buck, Cisco Systems, The Global Rewards Company, Equilar, Intel, Schwab Stock Plan Services, and Motorola to name a few. The keynotes speakers and authors of the New York Times bestseller Freakonomics, wrapped up the 7th annual event in grand style, making this one of the most well received conferences in Buck’s history.


We developed an identity for the conference that adopted a vintage circus theme, at once both rich and playful integrating with the theme of “Striking a New Balance.”

The printed pieces for this campaign carried the theme into every component. A save the date postcard – looking like an old playbill – was sent, while the speaker packets were hand made to perfection. The conference website was designed with a custom eCommerce feature for registration and payment online, with a fun animated introduction to kick off the website.

As part of the multimedia campaign, we sent several animated invitations to Buck’s clients and prospects. These invitations engaged the audience, and increased registration the day they were sent. The animation continued during the conference, with animated speaker backgrounds.

Check out this Animated Invitation


Attendee feedback on the conference:

“The sessions were good, the overall marketing/organization well above average.”

“This conference was excellent. Very happy to have attended, great selection of companies and expertise.”

“First class event, staff exceptionally warm and helpful.”

Buck Consultants Rebranded Website

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her CMO position at Buck Consultants. Images and case study Copyright © by Buck Consultants, LLC. Used with permission. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

New Brand Identity for a HR Consulting Firm

HR Consulting Firm Global Magazine

HR Consulting Rebranding Marketing Collateral

Buck Consultants Website

HR Consulting Firm Rebranded Corporate Website

HR Consulting Firm Global Magazine

HR Consulting Firm Global Magazine

HR Consulting Firm Global Magazine

Creating a Global Magazine to Showcase an International Workforce

As globalization becomes a greater factor in the employment market, Buck’s Global View magazine is an increasingly important publication for employers. With its new, vibrant format, Global View continues to tackle issues that help employers facing increasingly competitive employment conditions, and keep them abreast of ever-changing laws and regulations that affect their global workforce.

Buck Consultants Global View Magazine

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her CMO position at Buck Consultants. Images and case study Copyright © by Buck Consultants, LLC. Used with permission. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

New Brand Identity for a HR Consulting Firm

HR Consulting Rebranding Marketing Collateral

Buck Consultants Website

HR Consulting Firm Rebranded Corporate Website

Buck Consultants Main Capabilities Brochure

HR Consulting Firm General Capabilities Brochure

HR Consulting Firm Rebranding Marketing Collateral

HR Consulting Firm Rebranding Marketing Collateral

HR Consulting Rebranding Marketing Collateral

Creating Service Line Materials With Case Studies

In order to communicate the details of their services in line with the new brand identity, we completely designed, wrote and printed Line of Business brochures and collateral pieces. Each brochure provides information on the individual services with each Line of Business, while keeping with the new image of Buck. We included case studies for each service to highlight how we assisted with the improvement of our client’s challenge. Additional Information Sheets and Hot Topic Flyers provide in-depth details on particular products and services.

Buck Consultants Global View Magazine
Buck Consultants Global View Magazine

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her CMO position at Buck Consultants. Images and case study Copyright © by Buck Consultants, LLC. Used with permission. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

New Brand Identity for a HR Consulting Firm

HR Consulting Firm Global Magazine

Buck Consultants Website

HR Consulting Firm Rebranded Corporate Website

Buck Consultants Main Capabilities Brochure

HR Consulting Firm General Capabilities Brochure

HR Consulting Firm Rebranded Corporate Website

HR Consulting Firm Rebranded Corporate Website

HR Consulting Rebranded Corporate Website

Creating a Corporate Website With Simple Navigation

One of the cornerstones of Buck’s new brand identity was the launch of the new corporate buckconsultants.com website. We gave it a new look and feel consistent with the capabilities brochure, and designed the architecture of the site to make it easy to navigate. Information about their services, events, and the company are at the public’s fingertips. The new website also reflects Buck’s commitment to thought leadership by making a wealth of relevant, topical publications and information available to the public.

Buck Consultants Rebranded Website
Buck Consultants Rebranded Website

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her CMO position at Buck Consultants. Images and case study Copyright © by Buck Consultants, LLC. Used with permission. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

New Brand Identity for a HR Consulting Firm

HR Consulting Firm Global Magazine

HR Consulting Rebranding Marketing Collateral

Buck Consultants Main Capabilities Brochure

HR Consulting Firm General Capabilities Brochure

HR Consulting Firm General Capabilities Brochure

HR Consulting Firm General Capabilities Brochure

HR Consulting Firm General Capabilities Brochure

Award-Winning General Capabilities Brochure

Buck’s new image was launched in August 2005 with their Capabilities Brochure, which projects their passion for consulting and continued commitment to excellence. The brochure was received with great acclaim, as the 2005 MarCom Creative Awards Platinum Winner, honoring Excellence in Marketing and Communication.

Buck Consultants Rebranded Website

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her CMO position at Buck Consultants. Images and case study Copyright © by Buck Consultants, LLC. Used with permission. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

New Brand Identity for a HR Consulting Firm

HR Consulting Firm Global Magazine

HR Consulting Rebranding Marketing Collateral

Buck Consultants Website

HR Consulting Firm Rebranded Corporate Website