Quality Content Platform, Consistently Delivered
Quality Content Platform, Consistently Delivered
Defining the Firm as Thought Leaders in the Marketplace
The Mazars Ledger is the firm’s flagship content media publication, discussing current accounting, tax and consulting issues written by our professionals, and positions our firm as leading industry thought leaders.
The Ledger captures all service and industry articles, alerts, webcasts, podcasts, case studies, surveys and videos that were produced over an eight-week time-period into an attractive online and in a printed magazine format.
Issue: Inconsistent issuing of industry publications.
Solution: Create a content delivery system that captures all service and industry articles, alerts, case studies, webcasts, podcasts, surveys and videos for our clients and prospects for that period of time. A printed magazine bi-monthly captures it all in addition to an email newsletter that goes out to all contacts.
Result: An engaging high-quality content system and magazine that is consistently delivered to our market.
Our articles and publications are optimized for the web and pushed out using email and social media from the firm’s account and from employees that serve as brand ambassadors.
This increased traffic to the website by 1000% the first year, and continues to provide leads directly to the industries that are providing the content.

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her CMO position at Mazars USA LLP. Images and tagline Copyright ©
by Mazars USA LLP. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.