Rebranding and Marketing Services for Educational and Healthcare Consulting Firm

Rebranding and Marketing Services for Educational and Healthcare Consulting Firm

Rebranding and Marketing Services for Educational and Healthcare Consulting Firm

Rebranding and Marketing Services Revolutionizes National Consulting Firm

This national consulting firm in the educational and healthcare space partnered with YourMarketer to transform its brand. Together, we tackled their marketing requirements, spanning a new website, captivating collateral, eye-catching conference booths, effective public relations, engaging social media content, compelling articles, seamless internal and external communications, reliable RFP support, and effective Google advertising.

Our objective was to seamlessly communicate the advantages of their services while emphasizing the impact of governmental regulation changes on their clients. Additionally, we provided valuable assistance with a client satisfaction survey and created an innovative program for client retention and expansion of services.

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her Marketing Consultant role at YourMarketer LLC. Images and tagline Copyright ©by YourMarketerLLC. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

Accelerating Business Success for CPA Firms with Comprehensive Marketing Solutions

Accelerating Business Success for CPA Firms with Comprehensive Marketing Solutions

Accelerating Business Success for CPA Firms with Comprehensive Marketing Solutions

Accelerating Growth for Small and Midsized CPA Firms with Tailored Marketing Solutions

YourMarketer is proud to have partnered with an innovative online marketplace company, dedicated to empowering small and midsized CPA Firms. Our dynamic range of services enabled us to successfully launch this new venture.

Through strategic public relations, impactful social media campaigns, targeted Google advertising, in-depth research, personalized prospecting emails, and persuasive business development calls, we’ve propelled numerous firms to join this groundbreaking platform. Additionally, our engaging and informative branded how-to videos serve as a valuable resource for everyone involved.

To date we have several firms going through due diligence for mergers and acquisition.

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her Marketing Consultant role at YourMarketer LLC. Images and tagline Copyright ©by YourMarketerLLC. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

Women’s Networking Wine Tasting Event

Women’s Networking Wine Tasting Event

Women’s Networking Wine Tasting Event

Journey Around the World of Women Winemakers

Networking is more critical than ever.  The Metro New York office’s Women at Grant Thornton’s group hosted a networking event featuring wines from around the world created by women winemakers.

This complimentary event brought together over 200 women executives in the elegant ballroom of The Roosevelt Hotel to enjoy wines from California, Spain and Italy that were created by women winemakers.  The evening culminated with a raffle giveaway of a wine basket and a wine tasting tour on Long Island for two lucky winners, whose business cards were collected at the door.

In a room filled with everyone from company CEOs to a past Olympic medalist, the event was a testament to women who are the epitome of success despite the challenges they face in their individual careers.

Results included over 10 new opportunities at $2 Million.

Womens Wine Tasting Event

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her Dirrector of Regional Marketing at Grant Thornton LLP.

Multi-Release Campaign for Key Survey

Multi-Release Campaign for Key Survey

Multi-Release Campaign for Key Survey

Power of Public Relations Drive Survey Interest

Presidio Pay Advisors, headquartered in San Francisco, conducts independent research looking at trends and practices in the compensation field for companies in specific industries.  Presidio Pay needed a system to distribute their timely surveys, track responses, and garner media interest.

PPMarkCampPalmer-Farrington created a marketing campaign to build awareness of Presidio Pay’s surveys that included building up their target market mailing list, developing a trackable email campaign, and distributing press releases to industry reporters.

The result?  Presidio received information on who opened, clicked and downloaded their surveys, allowing them to follow up with the individuals for new sales opportunities.  Their press releases continue to attract interest – their most recent release had nearly 2000 downloads and over 200,000 headline impressions across the internet.  Now additional prospects are coming to them and are backfilling their sales pipeline, allowing Presidio Pay to add staff to meet the rising demand for their services.

Buck Consultants Global View Magazine