Social Media and Content Drive Results

Social Media and Content Drive Results

Social Media and Content Drive Results

Discover How Social Media and Content Drive Outstanding Results

East West Associates, a rapidly growing national consulting firm specializing in global manufacturing and supply chains in China, Southeast Asia, Mexico, and Central Eastern Europe, partnered with YourMarketer to meet their diverse marketing needs.

As part of our collaboration, we recognized the need for an easily updatable website with seamless navigation. To enhance their service offerings, we went above and beyond by creating captivating videos, compelling case studies, insightful articles, and informative webinars.

To attract new prospects and expand their reach, we leveraged the power of social media posts accompanied by targeted Google advertising and Social Media advertising, driving more viewers to their engaging monthly webinars. Furthermore, our expert team vigorously manages social media platforms, crafts thought-provoking articles, and designs captivating marketing collateral that effectively demonstrates the return on investment (ROI) we deliver for our valued clients.

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her Marketing Consultant role at YourMarketer LLC. Images and tagline Copyright ©by YourMarketerLLC. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

Rebranding and Marketing Services for Educational and Healthcare Consulting Firm

Rebranding and Marketing Services for Educational and Healthcare Consulting Firm

Rebranding and Marketing Services for Educational and Healthcare Consulting Firm

Rebranding and Marketing Services Revolutionizes National Consulting Firm

This national consulting firm in the educational and healthcare space partnered with YourMarketer to transform its brand. Together, we tackled their marketing requirements, spanning a new website, captivating collateral, eye-catching conference booths, effective public relations, engaging social media content, compelling articles, seamless internal and external communications, reliable RFP support, and effective Google advertising.

Our objective was to seamlessly communicate the advantages of their services while emphasizing the impact of governmental regulation changes on their clients. Additionally, we provided valuable assistance with a client satisfaction survey and created an innovative program for client retention and expansion of services.

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her Marketing Consultant role at YourMarketer LLC. Images and tagline Copyright ©by YourMarketerLLC. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

Creating Compelling Video

Creating Compelling Video

Creating Compelling Video


Video captures the imagination. It builds a web of understanding, block by block, creating a picture that allows the viewer to feel and obtain what the company stands for, works toward, and their culture embraces.

Over the past few years, we created videos to be used for advertising, social media, internal executive meetings and for employee morale. They reinforce the message that the leadership team wants to impart.

In my role I met with the executives to understand the direction they wish the firm to go and then crafted an overall theme that would allow the message to best be received and the creative team built a storyboard to support it.

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her CMO position at Mazars USA LLP. Images and tagline Copyright ©by Mazars USA LLP. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.