Elevating New Client Acquisition with Comprehensive Branding and Social Media Expertise

Elevating New Client Acquisition with Comprehensive Branding and Social Media Expertise

Elevating New Client Acquisition with Comprehensive Branding and Social Media Expertise

Revamping Success by Impacting Marketing for an Accounting Firm’s Client Acquisition

YourMarketer’s collaboration with a local accounting firm has resulted in an innovative approach to gaining new clients.

With our expertise in branding, we have developed a captivating new brand including a distinctive logo, compelling messaging, and a stunning website. Moreover, we take charge of managing all weekly social media posts, and actively engaging with potential clients to ensure effective client acquisition.

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her Marketing Consultant role at YourMarketer LLC. Images and tagline Copyright ©by YourMarketerLLC. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

Accelerating Business Success for CPA Firms with Comprehensive Marketing Solutions

Accelerating Business Success for CPA Firms with Comprehensive Marketing Solutions

Accelerating Business Success for CPA Firms with Comprehensive Marketing Solutions

Accelerating Growth for Small and Midsized CPA Firms with Tailored Marketing Solutions

YourMarketer is proud to have partnered with an innovative online marketplace company, dedicated to empowering small and midsized CPA Firms. Our dynamic range of services enabled us to successfully launch this new venture.

Through strategic public relations, impactful social media campaigns, targeted Google advertising, in-depth research, personalized prospecting emails, and persuasive business development calls, we’ve propelled numerous firms to join this groundbreaking platform. Additionally, our engaging and informative branded how-to videos serve as a valuable resource for everyone involved.

To date we have several firms going through due diligence for mergers and acquisition.

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her Marketing Consultant role at YourMarketer LLC. Images and tagline Copyright ©by YourMarketerLLC. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

Elevating National Tax Accounting Firm’s Marketing

Elevating National Tax Accounting Firm’s Marketing

Elevating National Tax Accounting Firm’s Marketing

Elevating Growth through Seamless Marketing Solutions

YourMarketer, a trusted partner, was brought on board to revolutionize the marketing efforts of a growing national tax accounting firm. Through a comprehensive rebranding approach, we revamped the logo and messaging and designed an impactful website aimed at generating new leads effortlessly.

Our dedicated team also takes charge of crafting captivating weekly social media posts, insightful monthly newsletters, compelling outreach emails, and conducting persuasive sales calls to facilitate seamless meeting arrangements.

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her Marketing Consultant role at YourMarketer LLC. Images and tagline Copyright ©by YourMarketerLLC. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

Communicating Gender Diversity

Communicating Gender Diversity

Communicating Gender Diversity

Helping Women Employees to “Be Visible”

The firm is focused on the development and retention of women leaders within the organization. One component of this is a program to highlight our existing women leaders at the firm by sharing their stories in an engaging video and website platform, called “Be Visible.”

To “Be Visible” is to step forward to lead and empower others. Each month a new leader is showcased with their personal career journey.

We use a variety of communication tools to distribute the video: an email goes out to all employees driving them to the website; it is featured in the break room TVs, the internal newsletter The Insider, and on the company intranet, InSite.

This storytelling method demonstrates to the staff that there is not one clear path to leadership, but many diverse paths, and they have great role models at the firm to seek advice.

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her CMO position at Mazars USA LLP. Images and tagline Copyright ©by Mazars USA LLP. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.

Social Media for Professional Services

Social Media for Professional Services

Social Media for Professional Service Firms

Creating Engaging Social Media Campaigns to Drive Brand Awareness

“Social media for an accounting firm? It can’t be done well. It is boring. No one will engage with the posts.”

Those were some popular thoughts among marketers in the professional services industries just a few years ago. We took it as a challenge to prove them wrong.

A marketing associate on our team showed potential in the social media space and I encouraged her to try new and creative ways to push our firm’s brand into the marketplace to gain awareness. Fast-forward a few years later and she is now our digital marketing manager and has increased our firm’s social profile 1000x. We created several “hashtag campaigns” to allow our audience to get to know us as individuals at the firm and to show a sense of humor during busy season.

The following examples demonstrate the power of social media and the fact that it can and will help any subject come to life!

Mazras Ledger Home<br />
Mazras Ledger Home<br />

This case study was produced by Jennifer Farrington in her CMO position at Mazars USA LLP. Images and tagline Copyright ©by Mazars USA LLP. Further reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.